A Form Filler 2.5.1 A Form Filler automatically fill in windows as quickly as they appear on your screen! Free
Nsasoft Hardware Software Inventory 1.5.5 Nsasoft Hardware Software Inventory is a powerful network inventory software for home, office...
Comfort Typing Lite 4.0 Snippets software with word autotext features. Just type in a keyword of your choice...
Atomic Clock 1.5 Atomic Clock - is a simple Windows Gadget that connect to atomic clock servers compare... Free
WinUtilities File Splitter 3.72 WinUtilities File Splitter can split any type of file into smaller pieces and rejoin...
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AnalogX MaxMem 1.0 Have you ever wondered why your machine runs so much faster right after you reboot?... Free
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Sondle Virtual Desktop Assist 1.0 Virtual Desktop Assist is a comprehensive windows virtual desktop software for creating...
Chris-PC RAM Booster 3.0 Chris-PC RAM Booster will manage your computer memory and page file usage more wisely...
UpdateStar 3.2.786 UpdateStar is the program that lets you stay up-to-date and secure with all of your personal... Free
logview4net 12.44 A free (open source) log monitor/log viewer for; Files and folders, Incomming UDP and TCP... Free
SysInfoTools NSF Merge 1 Advanced NSF Merge tool of SysInfoTool Software can combine your multiple NSF database files...
My Faster PC 5.3 Find and repair errors, clean and defragment your hard drive, optimize PC settings, and more!
WinUtilities File Shredder 3.83 WinUtilities File Shredder is a utility that securely deletes your files so they can't...
File Joiner 2.02 File Joiner is a tool that combines unlimited files (no matter their type) into a single...
Absolute Uninstaller 5.3.1 This program helps you uninstall applications that you no longer want to use. Free
MemWatcher 3.0 MemWatcher provides an accurate indication of your computer's memory usage, both physical...
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Enhanced System Optimizer 2.1 Enhanced System Optimizer focuses on the maintenance and includes a registry optimizer... Free
Bad Crystal Primary 5.1.9 Bad Crystal is unique utility for clean your screen from stuck pixels, burn-in and stuck...
WinUtilities Registry Cleaner 5.01 WinUtilities Registry Cleaner scans the Windows Registry and finds incorrect or obsolete...
Black Bird System Info 1.0 Your computer knows almost everything about you! And what do YOU know about your machine? Get...
SensorsView Pro 3.2 SensorsView is a utility, that monitors the temperature of your CPU, northbridge, motherboard...