DesktopCalc 2.1.9 DesktopCalc is an enhanced, easy-to-use and powerful scientific calculator with an expression...
GraphiCal 1.5 A programmable calculator with graphical output which lets you visualize expressions...
Convert PDF to Word 3.1 Convert PDF to Word is used to convert PDF files to Word (.doc) or WordPad (.rtf) documents...
Orifice Design Calculator 1.0.2 Size a gas/liquid orifice plate using ISO5167 (2003) and Crane's Flow of Fluids through...
Kettle Reboiler Design (KRD) 1.0 This user friendly software is made to demonstrate the thermal design calculations...
EZ Word to Pdf Converter 5.2 EZ Word to Pdf Converter allows you to convert hundreds of windows printable documents, such...
Container Loading Calculator 1.8 Container Loading Calculator is modern easy to use load planning software.
DreamCalc Scientific Graphing Calculator 4.10.2 DreamCalc is the leading replacement Scientific, Graphing & Financial Calculator...
Easy Currency Converter 3.52 Easy Currency Converter is a simple currency calculator. It converts about 200 world...
XiXi PDF to HTML 3.1 XiXi PDF to HTML is used to quickly convert PDF files to HTML web pages in batch mode.
Mini Finance Calculator 2.8 Mini Finance Calculator is a easy-to-use Finance calculator.It give you the ability...
Internet Calculator 1.0 ICalculator(Internet Calculator) is a kind ofcalculator,of course, but it can be called... Free
Time and Date Calculator 3.2 A powerful date time calculator, counter and converter. It has 5 main purposes: calculate...
acslX Calc 1.0 acslX Calc is a scriptable scientific and engineering calculator which uses a subset... Free
syscalculator 1.64 a Universal Converter includes currceny converter (euro) and another converters. Free
Judys TenKey 4.0 An award-winning calculator with almost every feature imaginable, including an editable tape...
Free Convert PowerPoint to Swf Converter 4.3 Free Convert PowerPoint to Swf Converter is a professional excel and flash conversion tool. Free
CDML Advanced Calculator 2.0 If the features in the Windows Calculator don't add up for you, check out the free CDML...
Converter PDF to Word 3.1 Converter PDF to Word is used to convert PDF files to Word (.doc) or WordPad (.rtf) documents...
ESBStats - Statistical Analysis Software 2.2 Statistical Analysis and Inference Software for Windows with Average, Mode and Variance...
ESBCalc Pro - Scientific Calculator 9.0.2 ESBCalc Pro is a Windows Scientific Calculator with Infix Notation, Exponential...
Innovative Calculator - InnoCalculator 1.1.24 InnoCalculator is a multipurpose and comprehensive desktop calculator for Windows.