LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary English <-> Czech for Palm OS 3.1.76 This clever dictionary with 400.000 words database translates both ways, and provides...
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary English <-> Polish for Palm OS 3.1.76 This clever dictionary with 400.000 words database translates both ways, and provides...
LingvoSoft Dictionary English <-> Italian for Microsoft Smartphone 1.2.16 LingvoSoft English <-> Italian Dictionary is now available for Microsoft Smartphone!...
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ECTACO Voice Translator Spanish -> Chinese 1.21.16 ECTACO Voice Translator is a fairly large electronic phrase book with more than 3200 phrases...
ECTACO Dictionary English <-> French for Nokia 1.0.6 Lingvosoft Dictionary for Nokia is the perfect addition to your mobile device.
ECTACO FlashCards English <-> Dutch for Nokia 1.1.7 Learning new words comes easy with ECTACO FlashCards, they are especially...
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary English <-> Bulgarian for Palm OS 3.1.76 This clever dictionary with 400.000 words database translates both ways, and provides...
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary English <-> Italian for Palm OS 3.1.76 This clever dictionary with 400.000 words database translates both ways, and provides...
LingvoSoft Dictionary English <-> French for Microsoft Smartphone 1.2.16 LingvoSoft English <-> French Dictionary is now available for Microsoft Smartphone!...
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ECTACO Voice Translator English -> German 1.21.90 ECTACO Voice Translator is a fairly large electronic phrase book with more than 3200 phrases...
ECTACO Dictionary English <-> Russian for Nokia 1.0.6 Lingvosoft Dictionary for Nokia is the perfect addition to your mobile device.
ECTACO FlashCards English <-> German for Nokia 1.1.7 Learning new words comes easy with ECTACO FlashCards, they are especially...
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary German <-> Russian for Pocket PC 2.7 This new dictionary is an extensive language resource. It features a searchable...
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary English <-> Hungarian for Palm OS 3.1.76 This clever dictionary with 400.000 words database translates both ways, and provides...
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ECTACO Voice Translator English -> French 1.21.90 ECTACO Voice Translator is a fairly large electronic phrase book with more than 3200 phrases...
ECTACO Dictionary English <-> Spanish for Nokia 1.0.6 Lingvosoft Dictionary for Nokia is the perfect addition to your mobile device.
ECTACO FlashCards English <-> Hungarian for Nokia 1.1.7 Learning new words comes easy with ECTACO FlashCards, they are especially...
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary English <-> Albanian for Palm OS 3.1.76 This clever dictionary with 400.000 words database translates both ways, and provides...
LingvoSoft Gold Talking Dictionary English <-> Swedish for Pocket PC 2.6 LingvoSoft Dictionary Gold is an expanded dictionary that functions as a wealth...
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary English <-> Thai for Palm OS 3.2.84 This clever English <-> Thai dictionary (about 400 000 words/phrases) translates...
Language Coach 1.02 Language Coach expression drill and tutor software is a language teaching program for Windows. Free
MITCalc - Beam Calculation 1.15 Calculations of straight, maximum three times static indefinite beams with constant...
ECTACO Voice Translator English -> Polish 1.21.90 ECTACO Voice Translator is a fairly large electronic phrase book with more than 3200 phrases...
ECTACO Dictionary English <-> Dutch for Nokia 1.0.6 Lingvosoft Dictionary for Nokia is the perfect addition to your mobile device.