SecurityGateway for Exchange / SMTP 2.0.4 SecurityGateway email spam firewall for Exchange/SMTP Servers protects against...
GateWall Mail Security 2.2 GateWall Mail Security is a solution for the protection of corporate email...
Jsoft AntiSpam 2013 Jsoft Anti-Spam allows you to stop spam before you even receive them in your mail. Free
Outlook Inbox Repair 3.0 Best Outlook Inbox Repair software repairs corrupted Outlook Inbox and recovers inbox mails... Free
Apocgraphy - Full spectrum e-mail protection 1.0.1 Apocgraphy is a program that works with your current e-mail reader analyzing your e-mail...
NoSQLt(TM) API Description V3.0.4_x86 NoSQLtAPI is NoSQLt(TM) database provides application programming interfaces.
NoSQLt(TM) Tool Description V3.0.4_x86 As the maintenance and management tool of NoSQLt Server, NoSQLt Tool can easily...
(STEVEN) 4.3 (STEVEN) The new way to eliminate spam with a newly designed self validation system that puts...
E-Mail guard 3.02 Check of messages on the POP3 server with ability to delete message from the server, without...
PP MailCheck 1.8.1 With PP MailCheck you can easily handle the mails on a POP3 server, it allows you to preview... Free
Symantec Norton 360 4.0 Symantec Norton 360 takes care of your full PC. Norton 360 does the job of antivirus +...
MailBox Sentry 2.3.4 Smart antispam. It can detect and always get replays, true delivery errors, messages...
Spam Assault! Professional Edition 5.0 All new Spam Assault! 5.0 Professional Edition now AutoDeletes SPAM directly from your POP3...
Comodo Antispam Desktop 2005 1.01 Comodo AntiSpam Desktop 2005 is an intuitive, easy-to-use, client-based software product... Free
SECURE MESSENGER 1.8 The E-mail program for communication 100% securely. The program generates security...